Thursday, June 15, 2006

Waterville Saga continues

We got over to Waterville for awhile yesterday. Caroline continued to work on staining the "original" shed while I dug some more for the Sawmill Shed. I also worked at clearing out some of the undergrowth in the proposed cabin location. It is so wet up in the field that we can't get the tractor up to the cabin location for the forseeable future.

The shed is looking much better with the staining the wood looks happier and hopefully will last longer. Caroline has now done the back and the bottom half of one of the sides. She was waiting until the three baby birds in the nest over the front window (which you can see in right of the picture) left. I inadvertantly took care of that when I went to take their picture. I obviously spooked them and they all flew off in baby bird fashion. Now mom and dad will have to flit from tree to tree to feed them. Hopefully they will be okay. It looks like a new ladder is in order for the upper part of the shed since our present ladders won't make it. When we built the shed we had the use of our friend Rick Rouleau's high ladder. We have enough uses for a longer ladder coming up in the future to make the investment worthwhile.

As I said I kept digging for the sawmill shed. Caroline took over in the afternoon while I did chain saw work up at the cabin. We had a discussion on placement and such and decided to rotate the shed 90 degrees from the original plan. A major reason for this was that as we dug into the area we noticed that the grade was more than we anticipated and as a result it appeared that we would need to come down 4-5 feet to reach our grade by the time we got to the back side. That is quite a bit so we decided to leave the back half of the shed a couple of feet higher so that we can drive the tractor in and drop logs above the lower floor and hopefully roll them directly onto the sawmill. We'll have to see how that all works out. In any case we should have a lot less digging to do. We are going to need a transit soon as it is rather difficult, with our inexperience, to judge how we are doing with grade.

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