Saturday, June 10, 2006

More and More Rain

After a record setting May (the most rain ever recorded in the month) we are continuing the same into June. It is currently raining fairly hard and the forecast is for it to continue through the night. Everything is super green and it is darn near impossible to be working outside. Caroline typically cuts the grass (she likes her battery operated mower) and has not been able to keep up with it.

The goats are not happy. They hate it when anything falls out of the sky be it rain or snow. They have been keeping to their shed and going through a lot of hay.

Gwendolyn the cat who typically likes spending as much time as we will allow outside has been sleeping her days away. She thinks this is really boring. She, of course, has to torment the other two cats, Isabelle and Maude, who have never liked her anyway.

The only critter who has not been bothered by the weather is Roady the Guinea Pig. The weather is always the same in his cage.

I spent a bit of time at Waterville yesterday digging out a bit more for the Sawmill shed then the rain started again. At least I can't complain that the ground is rock hard.

The weather is suppose to clear up a bit by Monday. Hopefully we can get outside. It has really not been tempting to think about hiking or boating. The best that can be said is at least we are getting work done on the shelves for the Food Share. We cut the rest of the MDF and vertical supports this afternoon for the "Standard" shelves we designed. We still need to get the materials for the "commodity" shelves.

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