Saturday, June 24, 2006

Good Real Estate, And Goat, Day

Caroline showed property to a friend of ours yesterday and it looks like he might be going to make an offer on one of the houses. It also appears that we have come to an agreement on a property I showed to a couple from MA on Monday. Pretty exciting for old Red Door Real Estate. The other offer I had out is not going to work but that is not a big surprise.

The goats had a "what's it to you" look from a perch on their rocks. It was a good goat day with temps in the 70's and some sun. I think the rock feels good to them as the sun warms it up.

It's still really wet over in Waterville. So once again I couldn't work at leveling the shed site. So yesterday I spent some time cleaning up after the tree which came down in the last storm. Amazing how many branches, etc there are on a tree. You can understand why loggers just leave it where it falls since it would take all day to do a couple of trees if they didn't. Wouldn't make for a very good hourly wage. Our burn pile is really getting out of hand. Hopefully next weekend we can burn it.

I came home to find that we didn't have any water. Tried a number of things but finally had to call the local well people (Manosh, by Gosh) and have them come out. Turns out one of the wires down in the well had shorted out. So $128 later we had water again. Nice to be able to take a shower.

Gwen also felt that the sunshine was a big plus. After a long night out chasing critters you need a good place to lie around and soak in the rays. I have to feel she hit the jackpot when she found us. She still doesn't really get along with the other cats but they are at least standing up to her most of the time. It really aggravates her when they don't run away. Not nearly as much fun.

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