Saturday, July 15, 2006

Going Loonie

Today we went with our Neighbors Scott and Chrissy on the annual loon count. Once a year Vermont has volunteers count the number of loons they find on their assigned lake. Scott has been counting on Lake Willouby for the last 20 years. We left home at 6:30 this morning and were on the lake before 8 am. It is a long lake and it took us four hours of steady paddling to do the round trip. This picture was taken when we come off the lake looking down the length of it from where we parked. We saw a total of four loons in our travels. Chrissy, and their nephew Christen, didn't make the whole trip as Chrissy was feeling a bit of motion sickness. The wind was blowing pretty hard and there were 2 foot swells at times. When you are in a kayak those seem pretty big.

We also went over to visit clients which we sold a house to last year which is located across the valley from us. They seem to really enjoy their house which makes me feel good.

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