Friday, July 07, 2006

Goat Teams Merge

The goat herds have merged and are living in the lower field. They seem relatively happy without too much butting or segregating. The original three still seem to sort of hang together but they certainly move around as a herd. They are spending most of the time in the shed due to insects but will make forays out to munch in the field. We take them for walks out in the field to make sure they move around. They are odd creatures. We actually only have the top of the field fenced in and they don't bother to go into the woods on either side. Who knows, it makes it much easier to move fence around if we want to. We know we are weird about the goats but with the four new ones it has certainly changed the dynamics.

The Day lilies have come out in the last week. I see them all over the place. This picture is of a bunch we have up by the goat shed. We have managed to spend time over in Waterville the last couple of days. It's still too wet to actually dig for the sawmill shed but at least we can get some logging done. We've taken down a number of trees both pine and spruce. I'm not real concerned about sticking to one species for the sawmill shed. As we move on to the cabin I would like to have the frame looking consistent. That of course assumes we can find enough timbers for a whole frame. The cabin frame consist of 43 timbers of varying sizes and lengths. It will take a fair number of trees to produce all of them. We have quite a few large pines which should yield a lot of lumber, their tops broke off over the last year or so with the high winds we have had. The problem is that the tractor can't lift them so until we get a more permanent setup which allows us to pull them in behind the tractor we can't really mill them. Caroline has most of the shed stained at this point. She just has the top of one side left to do. She spent this afternoon brushmowing around various spots but in particular around the pond. It's amazing what a bit of mowing can do to the looks of the place.

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