Sunday, October 08, 2006

Slowly Getting There

We've continued to work on getting the bents up. As of today we have six of the seven up.

We've currently run out of timbers for rafters. We will have to decide what tree, or trees, come down next. There are several we've been eying Since their tops have broken off over the last couple of years. The problem with most of them is that they are rather large. Obviously that is good for the amount of lumber we can get out of them but it makes it very difficult to handle them.

We will probably concentrate on milling 2x6's this week to get more purlins up and make the building more stable. We are also hoping to spend some time up at the cabin site to get that cleared up better. The contractor who is putting in the septic system hopes to start some time this week if the weather permits. Currently it is rather wet on the approach to the site but drying out fast with the weather we've been having.

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