Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Habitat and Posts

Last Saturday we went down to White River Junction and helped with the Habitat for Humanity House. It was interesting but entirely too many people and too few places to nail. Caroline and I finally stepped back and let the people who were rushing around do things. We actually ended up leaving early (not until after lunch of course) because we felt like we weren't accomplishing much and the day was too nice to just stand there. It was an interesting project. Basically we helped build the framing which then was taken apart and shipped off to New Orleans. The Realtor organization is going to help put a bunch of houses together in November during the annual meeting in New Orleans. We won't be attending but it sounds like a good idea. That's Caroline with her hands on her hips if you didn't recognizer her.

We've both been busy with real estate for the last little while. Moving some transactions along and showing property to clients. No new contracts but hope springs eternal.

We have managed to do some work over at Waterville. I'm having a couple of adjustments made to the sawmill at the local welding shop. Basically adding some strength to the log dogs which have bent.

We actually got the first post in for the sawmill shed today. One down and 14 to go. I buried it as deep as I could before I hit ledge. It's down about 4 feet. The plan is to put all the posts in then we'll mark the elevation for the tops and cut them off in place. With the differing depths I know I'm going to end up being able to dig to I can't think of any other way to do it. The weather will hopefully cooperate for the next several days and we can get all the posts in place. The next step would then be getting stone to bring the ground up to the proper level. First we'll put in some drain pipe and geotextile cloth.

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