Sunday, July 09, 2006

Moving Rocks In The Hot Sun

Caroline spent the day showing properties to her clients from Pennsylvania. Who knows if they will buy anything but she sure is seeing a large part of Vermont.

I spent most of the day moving rocks and leveling the spot for the Sawmill shed. It is still wetter than it should be. The tires make big holes in the ground. I got stuck for about 10 minutes at one point primarily because the mount for the backhoe hangs down pretty far and it got buried in the clay/mud. I did get the pile removed from the middle of the site. I actually think we might have to bring in fill to get everything to grade. We'll see once I finish digging out the back corners and around the edges.

I have a good part of the front retaining wall started. It was interesting moving rocks. Every one needed a different method to lift, move, or drop. The wall doesn't look real professional but hopefully it holds and all in all not bad for my first attempt. I need some more work with the transit since the stakes we had put in have pretty much disappeared with me going back and forth over the area. I think we are getting fairly close. A couple of more trees need to come down. The big thing is the area drying out. It is impossible to level if everytime you go over it you leave 6 inch deep ruts.

Got one log milled this afternoon. Not the greatest wood but the mill seemed to work well.

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